Keep Freedom and the Bible, ditch feminist views, less government, keep rights to self defense, give us real men that know how to lead, not snowflakes. Strong women need this!
I've questioned if I had the wrong viewpoint on things. I was asked why the events now and lack of freedom was bothering me and as long as we make it through it, it should be ok. It's more than that to me. It angers and saddens me that we are losing the ability to do things slowly day by day and I can see the day coming that we can't worship freely, etc. The thought of freedom being stripped away by evil people angers me. Is this wrong of a Christian to feel this?
#Christian #Jesus #freedom
@ReformedHikerGirl , you are not alone. Satan is the great deceiver and he can divide Christians. Many shepherds of the various church flocks have been rendered ineffective and have lost their way.
@mnh @Earlsearchfortruth @Josephleepugh Thank you for helping with my question. Have a blessed day!