Jesus loving, country girl, watercolorist, writer, retired (disabled) attorney and BIG animal lover.
WHAT THE HELL IS REALLY GOING ON?They're waiting for the perfect moment End Time Productions
@SallySilvershoes This is really scary stuff.
@healthnut Scares me too, but it also demonstrates how important it is to be right with God. Pro 18:10 ISV "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; a righteous person rushes to it and is lifted up above the danger." This is SO TRUE!!!! There is safety in God. All of Psalm 139 REALLY applies!!! We don't have to be afraid 1Jn 4:4 ISV "Little children, you belong to God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."
@healthnut AND it also serves to explain what is going on in the world now. Unfortunately, it's quite far into the interview, but Russ explains that the destruction of our government and all the governments of the world is what the Satanist want and is a big part of their plan. It is the ONLY thing that explains the success of the madmen (and women) now in power. Normally this nation would not put up with this madness.