Akin to Mike's talk today about people choosing social status over prepardedness.
Apparently, when the TV show Survivor started, there were some very skilled (primitive) practioners that entered the game. They all got voted off asap by the schemers and socialites. Those people chose to remove the very capable practioners who gave them fire, food, shelter...
Seems that the idea isn't to actually survive, but to appease others in a pathetic social game. A race to death.
I do wonder, will reality be any different?
That, my friend, will be your choice. Do you want to survive/thrive or do you want to go with the "in crowd?" Seems like a pretty easy choice.
@Shaun Looks are deceiving. Half of the sheeple in this world will choose being part of the in crowd. Nobody takes death seriously in that group, that’s why they’re still sleeping-walking. They’ve watched too much TV.