NIH - Vaccines Grown in Food
Foods as production and delivery vehicles for human vaccines

Vaccination is a great asset for eradication of infectious diseases in humans and animals. With the prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains and an alarming increase in new and re-emerging… I've already cut high risk foods out of my diet that can be used as a trojan horse but there is always a risk with store bought foods. Healthy food isn't so healthy if it has a nefarious payload. Now we can see why they try to discourage being self sufficient , off grid and collecting rainwater. They need dependent , wired to the matrix , gullible and chemically lobotomized sheeple to enact their communist dystopian hell.
@Slaverace Yes, and once you see that, and that they are planning how to get us there thinking 50 years ahead, it all becomes clearer. Killing chickens/turkeys now for bird flu when the birds don't show signs of it. They won't let u have a garden in the future. Throw some ecoli on a home garden somewhere and then tell people it's a health risk to have them.