Conservative watching the world crumble and wondering what I should be doing at the moment.
So, I’m not vaccinated and single. Now with all I know, I’m thinking dating someone who is vaccinated is a bad idea because they are shedding prions or spike proteins, whatever. Some dating sites actually ask if your vaccinated so you’ll know. But, am I right? It’s sad, I’m skipping many cool guys because they fell for the covid vaccine lie… if you have any tips for meeting people where you live that are like minded let me know, cause I’m surrounded by people who say I’m a conspiracy theorist…
@Stacylane0302 wow, who ever thought it would come to this in the US?!
@Stacylane0302 (I would steer clear from dating at all until this has a thorough cleaning of the house. It’s bad enough shedding can come from merely going grocery shopping AND distancing yourself, let alone smoochin up on someone
And that’s from one single person to another. I feel your pain.)
I realised that shedding is a real risk when the following happened:
I bruise easily from just knocking into things.
I bruised my lower leg. The skin was not broken.
Someone (jabbed) visited (an official visit) - we sat outside & 4 feet apart.
Within minutes the bruise had swollen out, breaking the skin & was oozing blood all down my leg. Never happened before.
Also I am developing outbreaks of eczema on arms after going to a post office.
I would never risk closer encounters.