I have followed Tim Truther for a while…on the pandemic. Tim I think you’re off on your analysis of the Trump videos. You see too many slight of hands. You should study trauma. Trump clearly reacted to the gunshot. This wasn’t staged. This wasn’t someone planting a cosmetic device or fake ear. (I’ve had acting prosthetics put on - no way it happens that fast!) The fact that his hand appears to come away clean could be multiple factors including camera brightness. His hand movement after checking his ear is very inline with someone thinking he felt something and looking for it afterwards instinctively. No blood on his collar is fitting with the fact that his head was horizontal to the ground when he knelt down and stayed there while SS covered him from more fire. Therefore the blood would have flowed towards his nose and mouth when it started to bleed. By the time he got up, the security people checking on him would have touched his face (not purposefully, but just while hands were checking for a bullet hole to the head. Trumps own hands were constantly grabbing on the clothes of the SS, any fresh blood could very likely have wiped off.
FYI I’ve had a high caliber bullet wiz by my head and lived, I have been an EMT responder.
I’ve watched these videos many times, it rings true to me. And the lady who ditched the shoes…that’s real.
@timtruth @gd
Looking more closely at the photos you can see evidence dried blood on his thumb, an SS with a new rag, evidence of someone previously having wiped blood from his face, the new blood drip on his coat after he was upright showing where the blood was dripping and missing his collar, evidence of blood re-routing and flowing around his ear after he stood up. Trumps collar being pulled away from his neck area (someone checking for more damage). So the Timtruther video where he claims there was no blood is likely caused by a video lighting issue. Cameras even in the bright sunlight were able to capture evidence. Again, I see this as a real event, not staged. I do not see this as a sleight of hand.