So there’s no military coming. Are we freaking awake yet. If they won’t step in to stop kids from dying then the military is not in charge and has never been.
Hornswaggled to keep us passive and docile. It was a great plan. Anyone who thinks it’s not up to We The People are smoking that Hopium. I believed it too but not anymore. I will never forgive them for not acting when they could have.
@CusePatriot Normalcy bias. Most of us have been trained to believe the system is self correcting. Those in the military even more so.
This might actually be true if we lived with a government that had not perverted its purpose thru private banking and endless war profits.
Presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Truman to Eisenhower to Kennedy all made statements warning us of the coming corruption. We didn't listen then and now few even understand that the Republic was lost by increments.