A Drunk Guy, who Posts News.
Alarming Example of Academic Censorship
It's easy to spot propaganda that you disagree with, but it's more difficult when it's telling you something you want to hear or think is true, especially if it's news, entertainment or coming from an expert. Be forewarned - to spot propaganda, you'll have to move out of your comfort zone.

A tenured NYU professor sues his colleagues for libel after they had him undergo administrative 'review' for suggesting students to study mask mandates.
articles.mercola.com@Josephleepugh @gerdmoebehrens Oh, the Powers that Be are Coming after this guy. The Powers that Be Leave TheDrunkenNews Guy alone.
Why? I am discredited with my Name.
I say what he says. I mean I repeat what he says. I have no Credentials.
It is better to be NO ONE who is always right, than SOMEONE who can be attacked who has a Credited Background!
@Josephleepugh @gerdmoebehrens Uhm, TheDrunkenNews Guy was Wrong. They are after us all. I have never Been Tested for Covid, I WILL NOT take the Covid Injection.
Metal is sticking to my Forehead and Collar Bone, just like the Bitchute Videos I posted about.
A Dime, a Car Key, and a Washer. Anywhere other than Center Forehead or Clavicle, Metal falls.
I have 2 other pics. One is me taking my Nail Clippers apart. The Nail Clippers stick to my Head as well.