I grew up in Ct was taught the DEMOCRATS were god all through school and into work force, at 28 yrs old I moved out west and saw for my self the truth about DEMONCRATS Now I am strong believer in the US CONSTITUTION and in God. I know the difference between right and wrong. I am willing to give my life for this country, I want this country never to become Communist, my grand kids and great grand kids have to have a good life here. I HATE PEDOPHILES and I know that goes against Gods teachings but
I don't know about you but I am fed up with Democrat Politicians wasting our Tax money going after DJT, Global Warming, Nato and things of sorts. Worry about the American People and fix laws to help us not make stupid unpassable laws, Remove all these stupid Presidential Executive orders that crashing our economy, enforce Covid relief without side agendas and Put the American Citizen first for a change. This is what we American Citizens hired you to do not for your own personal agendas and gains
I meant by Voting them in we hired them ,We pay their salary And yes I know it was stolen just as you do but the facts have never been heard in Courts cause they refuse to hear the cases BINGO FAILURE OF LAW hell the Constitution clearly states Chief Justice will Preside over Impeachment Trial of President BINGO FAILURE OF LAW first time they manufactured evidence he would have been forced to throw the case out is why Roberts refused to preside