Just an old man who is always in search of knowledge.
This is the perfect place for me.
@NaturalNews : IT isn't the government agencies that are hijacking things. We were invaded by the borg-like species of humans, centuries ago. They look like us, but their DNA does not go from A to Z. A prime example of one of them is Fauchi. There is a lot of information pointing to this theory. Psalm 23, for instance. These days you are having the shadow of the valley of death (death to your Human BIOS) squirted into your arms. See http://emanbardran.blogspot.com/2021/07/they-are-injecting-shadow-of-valley-of.html

There is a psalm of King David. Both Islam and Christianity consider him a prophet. In my opinion, that psalm, along with Surat Al Bacara (i...