Left the USA in 2019 when I had a bad feeling about what would happen there. Got married and moved to Philippines.
I am a vaccine prisoner on Camiguin Island in the Philippines. If I leave I cannot come back without a vaccine pass. My wife and house and dogs are here. Any vaccine will do for a pass. Sinovac(China) vaccine but not a MRNA vaccine, based on 50 yr old technology, does not have the terrible side effects of MRNA vaccines. When Deagle still had their population page up, it did not show depopulation in the Philippines as for the USA. Can I take Sinovac and detox? Later maybe no option.
@alseeger I am so very sorry & sad you have to be thinking about this...I will be praying you find a way to get around this where there seems to be none. I fear that all jabs are dangerous, but my friend in South America says he believes they saw much less injury there since they were (it has changed now) administering only Sinovac for a long while. As it’s all in phases 3 of the trials, I will also pray that IF you are jabbed, that it is a low or no dose...
I would not take any vaxx at this point. Listen to Dr Judy Mikovitz. You are literally taking your life in your hands. Nobody has proved that ANY detox really works. The closest I have seen is Andreas Kalcker is saying taking CDS forever might save your life.
Dr David Martin released some legal papers that should stop the vaxx police cold. I have not used them yet.
Good luck!
@alseeger Again, if you have to be jabbed, find a heavy metal detox you trust (natural things like leafy greens, cilantro, zeolites are great too) & a parasite detox (natural things like black walnut hull/powder, & other herbs). Sorry, I’m too wordy, but I care & again, I’m sorry & praying!