Evil is just another disease in need of a cure! Be the cure assassinate evil now!
The Lies,
American politicians lie so much they believe their own lies.
American people must love to be lied to conned n culled by their demon devil worshipping jew butt licking presidents,governors n the like.
Christine Nomn can eat vomit off the floor until jew parasites consume her.
announcing such blasphemous lies like those Baal worshipping pedophile cannibals, jews,israeli jews r gods chosen. No the are Baals chosen demons.
Going to keep this short. Americans u r an enormous disappointment. May the Heavenly Father shake u to your cores, now today until u see known live truth n until u take immediate action to abolish ur evil Baal serving jew overthrown government.
US 18 241 legal action to také against Trump, Nome Rubio,Desantis n the like for conspiring to deny your rights.
All laws that abridge free speech which includes hate speech, so called antisemitic speech
U Christians in America cant wait until they arrest u, u need to challenge all illegal unconstitutional laws denying ur free speech. if jews cannot live under the US constitution kick them out.
Trump going to relocated 8 millions cannibal baby raping israeli jews to America, move u out of ur homes n off ur property, give it to the jews.
Soon, Baal worship will be public forced attendance n your children will be sacrificed to the israelite,israeli jew god Baal
My dear Heavenly Father Creator we failed we cannot wake nor activate Americans. Sorry.
Beast that is n is not ,has arrived