Evil is just another disease in need of a cure! Be the cure assassinate evil now!
U Gov Noem r ordered to resign immediately n be charged accordingly.
Govenor Noem. U do not qualify, by law to hold any government position.
How dare u to make all non jews second class beings. Class action law suit needed.
. How dare u spread ur blasphemy. How dare u claim divine authority to declare the most evil non human beings to a favored status of the Creator. U Ms Noem r not the Creator, god nor divine. Jews especially israelis,israelite ( Canaan word for Baal worshipers, Saturn shown on Trumps coin, Baals home) Not the Creators aka Gods Chosen people, unless the god is Baal. How dare u exalt one class of people above others. You denying Americans rights to free speech disqualified u from any government office. Resign immediately. Your actions violate your oath of office n is treasonous.
Shall make no law that abridged free speech. If jews cannot live under the US constitution, bill of rights,declaration of independence they get equal rights to leave.
Usurping the US constitution, make law for one individual, or group is not permitted in America. Christian Noem u r fired. U owe all Americans endless apologizes. Non jews r Not second class. Non jews r The Heavenly Father's everything. Resign
Assassinate Evil
print send to Noem n other governor with copy of US 18 241
People unite. BTW my computer like 20 years old keys get stuck, always advise. Blessings