Evil is just another disease in need of a cure! Be the cure assassinate evil now!
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On a spiritual note, those who cast their vote for Donald J. Trump offended the Creator/Heavenly Father. For your vote told The Heavenly that you reject its rule, its commandments, its word n you no longer follow its way. In other words your vote told God aka The Heavenly Father/Creator u reject him.
Trump supports n those who aid the Creators enemy Israel becomes its enemy.. Furthermore, your vote says you are ok with evil n evil's rule over you. Yes, it is evil to kill, steal, lie, bomb hospitals, schools, torture n rape babies n children etc. In addition, Trump openly stole land belonging to Syria n its people n then gave it to israel. There's more, however your vote for Donald K Trump entitles you to suffer the same treatment, losses, crimes n brutality that israelis have inflicted on Palestinians, Lebanese, Sudanese n others.