South central Oklahoma farming...horses, longhorns, chickens, dogs, and lots and lots of gardens!! RV'er. 2nd Amendment lover. Livin' the good life.
More than 250,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast #cancer this year. Could bras be partly to blame?
Read on as Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, a specialist in breast cancer, exposes 4 ways that bras increase your breast cancer risk. https://tinyurl.com/bras-and-breast-cancer
#TheTruthAboutCancer #TTAC #breastcancer #cancerprevention #health #womenshealth #cancerprevention #preventcancer

More than 250,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.1 Could bras be partly to blame? I know what you’re probably thinking: Bras cause breast cancer? You have GOT to be kidding!…
tinyurl.com@thetruthaboutcancer I've been trying to get people to understand this for 30 yrs....put pressure on those lymph nodes and what do you expect. Some ppl even wear a bra at night!! egad!!!