- My friend's smart
kid's book
- https://chanceofwonder.com/u
Question everything
Situation Update, Mar 8, 2022 - CRYPTO tipping point has arrived as corporate banks SHATTER public trust
- The traditional banking system has become WEAPONIZED against citizens
- Crypto still has risks, but now the risks are GREATER in the banking system
- EVERYONE must become proficient in crypto wallets, technology and transfers
@HealthRanger Re: Psalm 82 - We are NOT gods. I hope to say this gently, but: Assuming we are gods is dangerous, falls under new age theory, and borders on blasphemy. The verse' context is the divine council: God is speaking to other spirit beings (elohim). They are sometimes referred to as "lesser gods" or "spirit beings". But they are NOT the Lord God Almighty/Our Creator. Dr Michael Heiser goes into great detail on it here: https://drmsh.com/the-plural-elohim-of-psalm-82-gods-or-men/

[Note: For other posts on Mike’s work on the divine council, click here for the archive.] At last week’s annual ETS (Evangelical Theological Society) meeting I read two papers. The first was entitled.…
Dr. Michael Heiser