Full Gospel Christian: Worship Leader: Husband: Shepherd and Gardener: 20 Year Air Force Veteran: Technologist: Toastmaster
Member since Nov 2020
Pro-life website, Life Site News, is now banned on YouTube. You may have noticed that FB is banning bible verses as well. As Christians, we are in the biblical end times when Jesus said, "And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake." Matt 10:22 https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/tucker-calls-out-youtube-for-banning-lifesite-google-doesnt-want-to-debate?utm_source=featured&utm_campaign=standard

Tucker Carlson calls out YouTube for banning LifeSite: ‘Google doesn’t want to debate’
Hundreds of thousands of subscribers to LifeSiteNews will no longer be watching videos that question abortion, because they’re not allowed to.