Full Gospel Christian: Worship Leader: Husband: Shepherd and Gardener: 20 Year Air Force Veteran: Technologist: Toastmaster
At the time of Christ, there were two sets of Laws. 1) The 613 laws of Moses taken from the Torah. Christ observed all laws that applied to Him - many laws didn't - He wasn't married, no children, not sick, not a criminal, not a soldier, not a high priest. etc. 2) The thousands of laws of the Scribes and Pharisees, many sourced from the Babylonian religions and Kabbalist practices. Christ frequently mocked these practitioners in his words and in parables. (Example: John 8:37-59)
@jrkuvoski - the incidents are recorded - example: disciples plucking grain on Sabbath or rescuing the donkey that fell in well on Sabbath question. Not Mosaic law, but against rules recorded elsewhere - Zohar, Talmud, etc. The everyday Jew did not have much access to scrolls, so they mostly learned from what the religious leaders told them. The only conning that is going on is the paganism that has infiltrated the church.