YAH'S Amightywind Ministries - https://amightywind.com/home.html
See Anointed Amightywind Prophecies 23, 32, 34, 51, 92 and others you want to learn more about what the Early Apostolic Church with Apostles John & Paul forewarned us about another jesus, another gospel, satan himself. They come in the NAME OF JESUS of the Bible but it's a dark jesus the spirit of antichrist. If you're not sure please leave it alone who is a True Pastor, Prophet, or Anointed Teacher.
YAH'S Love Shalom to all HIS
satan and his fallen angels hate America with a hate that is extreme. Because there's been a remnant of Hidden Ones that YAH has used to break their backs. And now they want revenge but it is all futile. The more we suffer the stronger we become. They want to wipe the memory of it from the minds of the masses but it's too late Heaven has it all recorded.
The fallen angels are furious as Jim Crow abuse was going on in the Deep South there was great unity among all races in this Great Revival in Southern California. And they want to wipe California off the map and this is a major reason.
Apostle Seymour is greatly honored and many of the Church of God in Christ Pentecostal members (a primarily black congregation) in the early 1900s as they prayed day and night to help spearhead one of History's Greatest Revivals.