So I've been wondering for some time now.
I read and listen to the doctors, virologists and epidemiologists who know the jabs are bad.
I read the disturbing articles and writings of the Globolists.
I see what is happening around the world. I see the corruption in our own government. Double standards for justice. Money laundering (supposedly).
So if they know that we know, seems to me that they know we can't stop them...ever, elsewise they would not be so bold.
Where am I wrong?
@RenaeSquarepeg You are correct about the msm. I unplugged 11/5/20. Find my news and info from independent sources, ergo I am here.
I am a faithful person, but faith sometimes needs to be measured by reality.
If I was the Democrats and knew the jig was up, I would be looking for a way to reconcile, I would not put my foot on the gas pedal to bury myself deeper. Therefore, either the democrats and other corrupt politicians/beaucrats know they are on solid ground, or they are stupid.