This looks like the 5g smoking gun, finally this fits and makes technical sense. The graphene in the jabs is resonant at 26Ghz if it forms a semiconductor. Think detector in a crystal set. Ask any engineer about resonance.
My take on this is, the effect of the graphene string as an antenna with a resonant semiconductor will light up the nervous system like a Christmas tree when hit with a strong beam of 26Ghz
continued below
NO kidding, I have been trying to work out why they made the claims all this 2 years. I am trained on high power microwave gear and its not to play about with..
I know all hand held radios phones are all bad news. But not quickly lethal as we are lead to believe with 5G.
I know these millimeter frequencies have never been used or tested near people. Don't confuse them with below 5Ghz which is bad but some studies although tainted but radio and phone makers have been done.