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- Happiness
From San Jose Calif. I am a navy Vietnam veteran and disabled from being exposed to agent orange. I can't walk and am getting around in a power chair. I am not looking for anyone for a relationship.This is not a dating site.
Correction from a previous post regarding the tires on the lunar rovers. I thought the moon surface was a lot hotter, but at 300 degrees, that is baking a lasagna, and still pretty hot. I don't know of any tires on Earth that would work on a rover at 224 to 300 degrees during the day. At night it gets pretty cold down to -224 degrees. So where are these magical tires? My brother lives where it gets to 20 below in the winter, and his car freezes unless it is plugged in to keep it warm.
They sure look like rubber tires in all the fake moon landing videos. No one ever saw these colored ones. I don't hang out with anyone at the CIA. I am just an old retired former engineer and scientist trying to have some fun with the myth that the USA ever went to the moon.