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- Happiness
From San Jose Calif. I am a navy Vietnam veteran and disabled from being exposed to agent orange. I can't walk and am getting around in a power chair. I am not looking for anyone for a relationship.This is not a dating site.
We package almost every product with plastic, but why not with hemp? It breaks down in 90 days and would be safe to dump in the ocean because it can be eaten by sea life and birds. Lots of people don't know about the hemp car, made from hemp 10x stronger than steel, and ran on hemp oil.
@karlo Great idea!Why don't we use hemp instead?
Dr. Mercola uses all paper and cardboard on everything he sells. He gets it. The only way to stop dumping plastic into the ocean it to have everyone write to the companies that use plastic. We have lots of hemp farms in Colorado that would do great business and build lots of jobs if we all did this. I have already begun. Death to plastic!