Everyone through collective intuition knows Biden sold out America. Intuitions does not prove this in court, but most people knew about the crime for years. What we need to know is, what will Congress do about this, will the crimes go unpunished, or will this just be another day in the swamp as crimes continue to go unpunished. I believe Biden needs impeached before he has a chance to pardon Hunter.
@kew19d40 I Believe This Is All Made For TV Bullshit. Biden Will Be Impeached, Not Arrested. Hunter Will Go To Court Twice, One For Child Support One For Brusima. He Won't Go To Jail. Harris Will Pardon Them And All Family Members. If The Prosecutors Are Smart, They Would Hold Any Charge That Would Work, After This Plays Out. Grab Him After The Pardon Is Written. Anything Not Covered, Can Be Prosecuted.