More on DJT's executive order making Biden pardons void...Joe diGenova explains the legal side of this topic backing up DJT. Past rulings on this say someone else can use, but the President has must have knowledge and give permission on the specific thing being signed to a specific person....this ruling was made by the Obama led DOJ. Well, this is a DJT led DOJ and they are saying Biden's brain was out to lunch a long time in point, Biden did not know about the natural gas exports being stopped by his autopen signed order...when confronted he reversed it. Do you really think Biden was aware of all those pardons? Biden was pissed off at the Democrat Party ringleaders for taking him out of the Presidential race and Joe is a very vindictive person...I doubt very seriously Joe signed those at the last minute (they announced them during the inauguration) and I think someone else did during the commotion of Biden's people vacating the Whitehouse and nobody would question it, because the clock ran out like a walk-off field goal in a football game.