South African Spiritual Patriot, Health & Fitness Fanatic and Carnivore. Interests are Triathlon, Flying and Sailing. I am pretty much an "all or nothing" guy. If I cannot do something properly, I would rather not do it at all! Go big or go home!
Member since Jan 2021
Many People Are Being Tricked About Spiritual Warfare
When we read the testimonials we know the students are stepping into their power.
They are writing their book of life which will be part of the 3rd book of the
bible, which is still the #1 book read in the world.
Every day they put on the armor of God just like Archangel Michael. Are you being tricked into spiritual warfare?

Many People Are Being Tricked About Spiritual Warfare - Circle of Life with Rasaji
When We Read The https://Rasaji.com/Testimonials/ We Know the Students Are Stepping into Their Power"
Circle of Life with Rasaji