The following are signs of a dying church; check the ones that fit your church:
___1. There are no functional prayer gatherings.
___2. There is no expectation for answered prayers.
___3. The presence of God is missing in the assembly of the
___4. Few if any people are saved, or get baptized.
___5. There is no pattern of disciple making.
___6. There is no divine sense of mission and purpose.
___7. Few people support the church with offerings.
___8. The community doesn’t get impacted.
___9. Your leaders are losing their passion.
___10. You are more in love with the past than you are with the
___11. Homeless and street people are seen more as a nuisance
than a mission field.
___12. There is greater emphasis on how we are different
from other Christians than what unites us in Christ.
___13. There is a slow loss of members and finances over time.
___14. Strong resistance to change
___15. Sermons engage the mind but not the heart.
___16. You are seeing very few first-time visitors.
___17. Everyone in your church looks and thinks just like you.
___18. You’re focused more on keeping church members than reaching new people.
___19. Unresolved conflict
___20. There is no sense of urgency to reach lost souls.
How many of these describe your church: _____ out of 20?
To God be the glory
Source of image: JosephMattera.org