Nekhenre, Sekhetre, Setibre, Hetepre, Hotepibre, Shesepibre, Akhetre
Do you think Earth visiting aliens is a real thing?
Well, sadly I got to destroy all your hopes and dreams. It's all just brainwashing and illusions with very advanced technology.
Watch the documentary titled "Project BlueBeam: The Fake Alien Invasion" by Jay Myers Documentaries on bitchute.com
The documentary talks about how the elite use illusions in the sky to fool people. Ever wondered why people say the "spacecraft" had no sound? Also some say, even a 9/11 plane was an illusion by the same tech.
Then watch his other documentary "MK-Ultra Mind Control Documentary" that talks about how people are brainwashed, how fake events are hardwired into people's brains. Abductions are fake memories planted by the CIA. "Abducted" people should actually be concerned what trojans CIA might have planted.
Never forget: the elite are ahead of us technologically about 90 years. They have answers to almost everything. The mass is forcefully kept in ignorance.
Jay Myers has other interesting documentaries too on his channel. You won't be bored for many hours.