Nekhenre, Sekhetre, Setibre, Hetepre, Hotepibre, Shesepibre, Akhetre
Sequence of coming collapse events on current trajectory:
1) Ukraine collapse (military in nature)
2) Israel collapse (military and economic)
3) UK collapse (economic and demographic)
4) USA collapse (debt / hyperinflation / civil unrest / global de-dollarization)
In other words, the West is currently on a losing trajectory and unless a course correction is made, Western civilization will merely be a tragic, violent blip in the history of humanity on planet Earth.
@HealthRanger Throughout history only Romania has paid its national debt, once. All of the rest organized a "rebirth" to default. Defaulting is a goal. People are always being fooled. It doesn't matter who leads the country, the parasitic infestation - illuminati, globalists, zionists, whatever pet name they have - can purchase corruption anytime.
The whole world needs to have one solid system to prevent the possibility of a parasitic infestation, otherwise anyone weak will be manipulated into going to war against the righteous.
I wish somebody invented a bioweapon that specifically targeted the elite's ancient gene pool. It would be a blessing to Earth to be rid of the parasitic infestation once and for all.