Nekhenre, Sekhetre, Setibre, Hetepre, Hotepibre, Shesepibre, Akhetre
Never feel sorry for the filthy feds who lost their slush fund paychecks because DOGE cut off the fraud money train. Those feds were cruel THIEVES, tyrants and criminals who care nothing about America, who stood by and said nothing as we were all silenced, and who cheered on the lawfare against Trump and the J6 prisoners. Every single one of these pathetic feds deserves to lose their job, their house, their pension and should be required to GIVE BACK the money they stole from the taxpayers. And then they should be prosecuted and jailed, on top of that.
@HealthRanger Absolutely rude of you. People were manipulated by the MSM, it took years to brainwash people into stagnant "energy vampires". It's super hard to try feed them anything logical, they are stuck in parroting what the TV told them. The people didn't become "energy vampires" by choice, it was done by the 1% over the decades. The people don't even know that they are "energy vampires", they think their rudeness, crying, mocking, anger and constant whining are absolutely normal. You need just as powerful weapon to reverse them back into productive people. But what you're doing here is divide and provoke against the victims of insidious brainwashing. You have become who you hate: a vampire. You are the tool of the 1% to manipulate people through alternative media. They came here in trust to avoid MSM brainwashing.