Nekhenre, Sekhetre, Setibre, Hetepre, Hotepibre, Shesepibre, Akhetre
The globalists running Earth are Satanists who revel in the ritualistic blood sacrifice of humans beings. Whether through war, abortion, vaccines or famine, they gain great dark spiritual power through human suffering and death. It's time for humanity to expose, depose and DISPOSE of them all.
@HealthRanger "they gain great dark spiritual power through human suffering and death" - they don't actually "gain" anything. What they are, as the witches describe them, "energy vampires". They "take the energy away" from the people by inflicting negative emotions. The energy vampires feed on negativity, it brings them joy. Whining, crying, wrath, rudeness and mocking - it's all their doing. The vampires want humanity to suffer just as they do. The vampires didn't become like that by choice, they were cunningly processed into such. Many of them don't even realize that they are vampires, and their arrogance makes them aggressively refuse the fact too. You'd need an equally strong force to reverse them back into balanced humans. If you have energy vampires in the 1%, you cannot just dispose of them, that would only feed their desire, and as last resort, they'll destroy even the whole Earth.