Born-Again Christian, Electronics Engineer
Formerly: RDM @Freedomisalive (Brighteon.Social - January 2021)
Is anyone saying God is IN CONTROL, and this all has to play out just as it unfolds? Nothing surprises God, and nothing happens WITHOUT his consent... this war is leading up to the seven-year peace treaty. It is all in God's hands. He will ultimately get the glory. Bible prophecy reads like headline news!! Replacement theology is demonic.
I am all-in with you Audrey. You are right--God is in control and everything is happening just as He told us it would. No Fire extinguisher is going to calm this inferno and what is to come. Only true path to follow it to trust God, believe His Word, and know that He is TRULY in control of this.
What has been written will surely come to pass--for certain.@audreycharles