Born-Again Christian, Electronics Engineer
Formerly: RDM @Freedomisalive (Brighteon.Social - January 2021)
#StopWhiteGenocide #AndreaLynnBlankenship
Anderson, who had been released from prison early, just 1 month prior to the crime, broke into Andrea’s home & stabbed her to death. He then cut out her heart & took it over to his aunt & uncle’s home, before cooking it w/potatoes & attempting to feed it to them & their 4-year-old granddaughter to “release the demons”. He then stabbed all 3 of them, killing his uncle & his granddaughter & severely injuring his aunt.
February 9, 2021
Location: Chickasha,OK
Victim(s): Andrea Lynn Blankenship 41
Attacker(s): Lawrence Paul Anderson
Description: Anderson, who had been released from prison early, just one month prior to the crime, broke into Andrea’s home and stabbed her to death. He then cut out her heart and took it over to his aunt and uncle’s home, before cooking it with potatoes and attempting to feed it to them and their 4-year-old granddaughter to “release the demons”. He then stabbed all three of them, killing his uncle and his granddaughter and severely injuring his aunt.
Archive.is Link(s):
https://archive.ph/VzQAp Story on the crime. Anderson is sentenced to life.
https://archive.ph/lHUNW Andrea’s find a grave memorial.
https://archive.ph/2N3W8 Writeup of the crime.
When are the men in this country going to wake up and stand up and stack these worthless barbarians up like cord-wood. Enough is enough. Everyone who allows this border crap to continue is as guilty as sin and must be hung as an enemy of our country. NOW @TheFireRises