Reedy's Tunes aims to save the children, save the country and save the world!
@reedystunes Careful. Alleging that the changing of a calendar makes it so as to not allow worship of YHVH (God) is ludicrous. It is not an argument of if the calendar has been altered but rather the premise that knowing the exact days is paramount to establishing acceptable worship. In the clip he quotes Romans 1:20. Why not quote Paul's further statement in Romans 14:5-8. More important than the calendar is not judging another who celebrates a day to the Lord that is different than your own. Who is the judge? Who is the master? Then don't judge another man's servant. (Romans 14:4)
Please understand that I am not disagreeing with the claims regarding the current calendar as it exist. Why we follow a lunar calendar rather than a solar calendar evades me. Are we not children of the light rather than children of the night?