Stop World Control website informs humanity about the agenda for world domination. They have really good videos to watch, download and share. Please share the website!

Experts from the World Health Organization, United Nations, British Secret Services & the Military reveal a criminal agenda for worldwide tyranny
Stop World Control@riverdream The world dictatorship is already here. It began in the valley of the shadow of death as a transhumanism effort. Those, subsequently created, beings became another species, with a DNA that does not go from A to Z, but who look exactly like us. They have taken over the planet. They are a single - minded borg - like species. They hide under the guise of a race. Their initials are A.J. Psalm 23 (Bible) and Surat Al Bacara (Quran) tell you about them. They were engineered in the Caucasus Maintains (Valley), under a cloud of demons. (shadow). When they were let out, they immediately went to enslave Europe. They were kicked out twice, but by the third time they had learned all the tricks. That has been since the 1400s. Who do you think runs all the banks that are failing?