Most of #Ukraine has ZERO power due to Russia missile strikes over the last 12 hours. We are also getting a firsthand report from one of our contacts in Kiev:
"Residential building heat and water stopped functioning yesterday. Today there is no electricity. Spent hours trying to find cell tower that worked to send you this message..."
This person lives in an area that has maintained electricity nearly all the time through this entire conflict. But today, there's no power, no heat, no water.
Russia is taking down the entire infrastructure...
NIH published this crackpot's article, claiming that the vaxxed are dying because purebloods are stressing them out with antivax rhetoric. First link is NIH article, 2nd link digs into author's shady background.

In the era of Covid 19 and mass vaccination programs, the anti-vaccination movement across the world is currently at an all-time high. Much of this anti-vaccination sentiment could be attributed to the…
Looks my post didn't take the 2nd link, here it is:

A real paper published by a real person in a supposedly serious scientific journal... or is it?