The NWO is a religious group. The USA's failure to control sociopaths led to our current depopulation mess. (DC, CNIM NC USA)
Member since Jun 2021
Bombshell news: Chemtrails actually NWO contain nanobots to destroy housing for UN Agenda 2030 resettlement. Cause hypnosis, allow mind control, destroying housing. https://www.healthrising.org/forums/threads/nsa-nanobot-attacks-on-us-civilians-pain-generators-body-control-feeling-influencing.6625/page-2 @NaturalNews

NSA Nanobot Attacks on US Civilians-Pain generators, body control, feeling influencing
With this - less the confusion to call them illuminati (enlightened or awakened not to be confused with) - I can fully agree with. There is obviously a world-wide totalitarian overtake initiated the last…