The NWO is a religious group. The USA's failure to control sociopaths led to our current depopulation mess. (DC, CNIM NC USA)
I have recorded an emergency weekend edition Situation Update covering Zelensky calling for a nuclear first strike against Russia, and why Western psychopathic leaders are trying to CAUSE a global nuclear war to cover their tracks of decades of currency LOOTING and financial crimes against their own people.
This should be posted mid-day Saturday and also features an emergency interview with John Perez, covering SILVER, nuclear war, predictions on Russia, Ukraine and much more.
@HealthRanger Twitter discussion an chemtrail nanobot EMF thread https://twitter.com/Dougterrapin/status/1578480997930106880?s=20&t=XrxeCnwmWZHShKvdneOSIg
“New explosive video with control readings proving nanobot EMF inside an apartment from chemtrails. EMF increased by 270%. Please rt/share with influencers, it's vital for our future freedom. https://t.co/nC7j9BVHcj…