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Self Help : Distance Healing
Great news from Sydney, NSW, Australia. Do not let your employer bully you to take medical procedure you do not consent. https://www.bitchute.com/video/C5l0cxAtG4aD/?fbclid=IwAR2q2HWljWRowncuo2ESgQJ2NIukc-ocUsxVCjqtAh-UrrQcxGG9ykheLYs
AUSTRALIA Real Legal Advice - Bio-security Act, Section 60, only an authorized bio-security health officer is able to direct someone to have a CoV test, based on the fact that they are showing symptoms. Also Section 8, of the bio-security act states that this rule takes priority over all State Legislation, which takes priority over a Public Health Order. Also 109 under the Commonwealth Constitution, that any state legislation that is inconsistent with the commonwealth is null & void.