We're in a WAR of WORDS, between Nefarious Propaganda and Righteous Truths! I'm a Christian, Patriot, Artist, Educator...I believe in God, truth and protecting our liberty!
I also believe in health and wellness, I'm a Nikken consultant. If you need to restock your Nikken products, email me at wellnessbyssm@protonmail.com
OR purchase directly at my website: https://www.nikken.com/na/WellnessbySarah
Want to know more about my original artwork shown here, message me through Brighteon Social.
Member since Dec 2020
Pinned post
It always starts in Commifornia, started in Orange County, all in attempt to stop our voter rights to vote in person on Nov. 8th...we must take a stand and RESIST! https://rumble.com/embed/v1oexle/?pub=hlsmp