Born in East LA, CA, July 1983. Residing in PA since November 2018.
This may be from left field but I think if you're waiting for a rapture, that's as lukewarm as it gets. Why? Cause this moment is the greatest gift, God is everywhere, and I can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste the blessings everyday. So if that's not enough, and you can't wait to be raptured, you probably don't appreciate st.
Well, I just spent new years in Niagara Falls and it is always spectacular. The surrounding neighborhood ain't the bees knees but whatevs. You can still have it good AF but perfection is reserved for the Big Guy. Armor up and be fruitful, my friend!
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.β
John 17:15 KJV
@gd sounds good for kids, but adults need to take care of biz which in turn helps the kids. Taking care of biz requires armor written about in Ephesians.