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Gold hits another all-time high today. The #dollar is in a state of accelerating collapse. The corporate media is utterly ignoring it, hoping you don't notice. 100+ nations are embracing the BRICS currency, and throughout 2025, the dollar will be increasingly abandoned on a global scale. The American people still left holding dollars will find themselves impoverished, homeless and REPLACED in their own nation as the "shadow wealth" of the rigged stock market, Treasury bonds and bank accounts evaporates right in front of them. Those who know what's happening are surging their assets into #gold and #silver. Those who don't know are holding dollars and will be financially destroyed in short order. It has never been more obvious. Decide now which side of history you want to be on. Personally, I'm betting on the table of elements (gold and silver) as outlasting fake counterfeit man-made currency (the dollar).
@HealthRanger by the time silver goes up to the price I bought it at I won't have any left. I keep having to sell what I have just to survive. What's the point?
The rich get richer.
The wealthy know what's going on. They've converted much of their wealth into gold & silver already buying up the bulk of what is out there.
The poor people and middle class (if there are any left) will be left to die.
The story never changes. The wealthy (and usually the most evil people of this world) will control all of the resources.
My faith in God's word keeps me going. Jesus said it clearly βit is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of Godβ.
I will not covet what God did not mean for me to have lest I draw his anger.
@HealthRanger It's good to feed us negative messaging instead of focusing our attention on positivity. Here's your crown of king energy vampire.
Now is a great time to purchase gold indeed as overcharging for gold has stopped for now. Yet for other metals the sellers still want ~30% more.
BTW, the reason God has so far failed to win over the hearts and minds of most people is because he gave humanity FREE WILL. And with that free will, most people have been lured into being morons, or evil, or corrupt, or complacent, because they made CHOICES along the way that led them to that intellectual laziness. It's incredibly easy for people to become evil. It takes deliberate focus and effort, on the other hand, to be GOOD people.
I want to give huge applause to all those people reading this who RESISTED PCR tests, masks and jabs, through all the COVID years. You are truly courageous, independent-minded leaders of humanity! Stay strong! (More plandemics are on the way, your commitment to truth will be tested...)
Sequence of coming collapse events on current trajectory:
1) Ukraine collapse (military in nature)
2) Israel collapse (military and economic)
3) UK collapse (economic and demographic)
4) USA collapse (debt / hyperinflation / civil unrest / global de-dollarization)
In other words, the West is currently on a losing trajectory and unless a course correction is made, Western civilization will merely be a tragic, violent blip in the history of humanity on planet Earth.
Here's how Kamala's price controls will REALLY work: Prices will be very affordable on items that don't exist because nobody can manufacture them without going broke. At the same time, prices will be very high on items you can buy in the black market, because black market food distribution is not as economically efficient as grocery store retail operations. So you'll end up paying MORE for any food you actually get, or STARVING while waiting for food to show up at government "controlled" prices. Food price controls are full-blown communism, and this is what's coming to America if we don't defeat the commie-crats (Democrats).