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So, it's ok to send pills in the mail to kill your still developing child but it's not ok to send pills that will save your life. Yup, makes perfect sense, death is the winner here in both instances!

Once again, government agencies are working to deny Americans the freedom to choose while at the same time debasing what is left of our culture, in this case, the Food and Drug Administration appears to… yes. Most grocery stores have prepaid cards such as visa or MasterCard and refillable for a fee. You just call the number to activate it and always keep your receipts. Anywhere from $20-$500.
Interesting education on g o v t

In the technique of subliminal contradiction, two mutually incompatible bits of information are simultaneously projected into the perception of the victim without the contradiction being either poi…
J.R. Nyquist BlogMandate issued by OSHA to be posted publicly tomorrow, official document
@ReformedHikerGirl It appears to have a lot of logic discrepancies in this statement. Lawyers will have a field day.
There was an interview with a man and woman who gave the lot numbers yes
So as it has been months now of this garbage on this site ..
I see the same ten people in any of the feeds as to some I have even unfollowed and they are still on my feed. I am done with Brighteon.....can you say CCP
This letter was written by someone with vast medical knowledge! It’s really amazing!

Stop what you're doing and read the whole thing.
Geller Report News@Lms "There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute"... And I'm sure most, if not all, of you know Fauci's grubby weasel paw prints were all over AIDS. I'm frankly surprised more AIDS activists haven't come out to vilify Faux Xi as he so roundly deserves to be.
Homemade hydroxychloroquine or a healthy tea?
@Toni I made some too. Just get three organic grapefruits, and three organic lemons and tear up the skins. Put the skins in a pot and simmer for 2-3 hours with a couple cups of water and there you go.
I Made A JPG, In Case Anyone Wanted To Share On Other Sites.. This Is OSHA Saying The Ingredients In Modena Should NOT Be Given To Humans. Can Cause These Effects....
@incontrlt Thank you for this information...I will share with anyone who will listen.