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Biden Eliminates U.S. Tariffs on More than 350 China-Made Products
Biden’s administration has eliminated United States tariffs on more than 350 products made in China, nearly all of which could be made in the U.S. or other countries.

President Joe Biden's administration has eliminated United States tariffs on more than 350 products made in China.
www.breitbart.comTruth will bring light to the lies we have been fed all of our lives. Yahusha is His name.
It’s true, don’t believe me. Research it yourself please.
Just a reminder the Comments are His word. His word is love, let us practice that for a change. I love you brothers and sisters in Yahusha.
Who are the Reapers and are they going to pass over you?
Don’t be fooled by the confusion that is being spewed around the world. Use discernment.
Let’s get right with Yahuah, before the Reapers come to do their job.
Do your research and get in it in your head people. The wicked one has his hands in everything. Authority is only the Creator’s ( Yahuah Alahim) can set you free from the wicked one’s grasp. Not the circus aka churches.
We have been under attack by our own people, for decades. Wake up liars are in power.
Waking up in pain? How about hearing songs in your head that you haven’t heard in years? How about waking up angry for no apparent reason? My people please wake up your hypnotized.
I pray Alahim wakes you all up. In Yahusha’s name. Amn.
Why are we being pushed into SMART cities, cars, and homes?
When you truly seek for His guidance, He really does come thru. And knowledge is the key to getting right, on His path. Don’t be a slave to the wicked one. Brake free from the evil one’s grasp. It’s all in how strong willed you are, to brake free. Be warned a lot of people can’t handle the truth; it might even brake your mind. We are living in a matrix...
And who was the one that deceived Eve??? The Circe (Church) has hidden the wicked one’s name very well... Wake up my people we’ve been fooled way too long.