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@NaturalNews Or by worshippinh MDs - the Mentally Deranged
@timomalum Whothe f is Mystal? And why should I care?
Just sayin
@timomalum So called society exists because life needs things to live. And we are greedy, lazy, bastards. We want more than we need and we couch it in terms of security. Thus governments. Which, no matter how altruistic they begin, become funnels for more of the things of life to go to those in charge.
Until people wake up their souls and realize there is no security and governments cant give it to you, we will keep repeating this b.s.
@ste1438 Believe me I get it. No apologies needed. My response to stress is sarcarsm. Not the best way.
But the liars always rise to the top no matter the system. History shows us this time and again. And the world is full of liars.
Whether its the Cane in us or the little scared monkey doesnt matter. It always happens. We just happen to be here in time to watch the epic battlenof OUR cycle.
Peace will come for a time.
Then this will begin again.
@ste1438 lol the level of population decimation needed for that..rivals the depop agenda of the 'elites'.
@timomalum True enough. What other job can you get where you can lie and steal under the protection of law?
@macmcdonald Go easy on her. This may be the actual depth of her understanding.
@holistic Perhaps its not as inexact as you think. A group of corporate 'self styled' elites with a director to lead them isnt far different from the politbureu led by a dictator. Or the Ancient Roman senate led by Ceasars.
@Arktos99 Oh man talking about a flashback. Thanks for that, made me smile.
Ive always said wisdom is where you find it. And thats a good example friend.
@Arktos99 And yet the country class has been convinced that 'voting' for members of the ruling class is an act of freedom.
It is not. Choosing which master beats you doesnt stop the beating.
@Arktos99 When any government becomes so large and bloated that it works primarily to preserve itself and not its people it is no longer government. It is a tyrannical beast that must be replaced.
@Arktos99 "WE ARE DOOMED"....that was the plan all along ya know.
@JayBrandon100 it want be RUSSIA look closer to home.
@johndolph lol calling me an apple doesnt make me fruit.
Labels, names, pronouns mean nothing in terms of reality.
The reality in this case being that what they are doing is treason against the Constitution and the American people.
Standing against them is patriotic. Them threatening and slandering is closer to terrorism.
They are casting stones in a glass house of their own making.
@jakebryan lol
@TwistedEagle I dream of the day that witch stops popping up on my feeds.
Maybe an emp isnt such a bad idea
@holistic Nah. I dont bet on losing ponies.
@Arktos99 Indeed, a great example of long term planning.
Create a lazy,dumbed down, dependant society. Then tell them they are oppressed by a select few. Followed up with the ignorant notion of 'equity' which they can achieve if they whine about it loud enough.
Then push ignoring them till they get violent.
Truly evil genius.
@mhoran1158 What amazes me is people still think, after thousands of years, the we need governance.
Repeating the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity.
Humanity has a mental condtion.