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VERY INTRESTING......................................

Zelenko Protocol discoverer Dr. Vladimir Ze'ev Zelenko last week testified before the Ma'aleh Adumim Rabbinic Court in Israel regarding the COVID-19 shot. More rabbinical rulings on the COVID-19 injection…
America's Frontline Doctors@Astral Wanted to tell you that an ex intelligent agent who worked in the VAtican and has been exposing the deep state has told us that T (45th Pres) will return in August as President, and that this month (july) will be very shaky. So this video describes exactly what has been happening and hope that it is true that T is coming back. Also he told us that the collapse of Miami Building was intended for Ivanka , but they missed (using HAARP) and hit the wrong building. Time will tell....
Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better.........this satanic globalists are telling you their plans, Agenda 2030

Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city - or should I say, "our city". I don't own anything. I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any clothes.
www.forbes.comDo you know this man??? His name is "Kamal Aroush" Born in Benghazi "British citizen" since 1986
His father was a Libyan Sanussi Army General, graduated from Iraq in 1959 and had higher education in the UK and Baltimore-Maryland between 1960 and 1964. Now is Kamala Harris..........
@HealthRanger The Real President...... President Trump continues to work ... in this photos you can see him using special screen for encrypted videoconference calls
Well what do we have here.............. take a look before they take it down.
America Being Destroyed From Within By Globalist Agents of the Great Reset
2009 "V" Predicted Bill Gates' Forced Inoculation Depopulation Plan
we are doomed.....................
As I mention yesterday , it´s becoming real......
Argentina will close its borders by air in the beginning and also by land from the middle of February.
France will close borders to non-EU countries, except for essential travel from Sunday.
The Czech Republic closes its borders for foreigners: only essential travel will be allowed.
Portugal closes the land border with Spain.
Germany will close its borders with neighboring countries.
This magazine is owned by the Rothshild, which they give you a message in the covers, and for the first months of this year, that is what we will be facing..........
Intresting video ...........connect the dots.......
In the next posts I will leave this inf from intellgent agent who worked in Vatican..... Yesterday the Executive Orders signed by Joe Biden appeared. I found a BIG difference in the signature. I went to my files that I have Vatican, such as Joe Biden 2004/2014 openings of bank accounts at the Vatican Bank and they differ a lot from one to another in the Executive Orders. I leave an example. When the real Biden registered his signature in the former Vatican IOR bank.
I will leave this video here , to uplift our spirit, everytime I see it , it brings me strength , courage, and confidence that all will be well... God save USA, and President Trump......
intresting to watch right now.....................