Grew up in the Valley forge Area. Love American History/World History. Phlebotomist, Lab Technician, Medical Instructor. I had a blast in the Medical Profession. I met So many peoples in my years from all walks of life. Some not so nice most nice. The not so nice generated a compassion to go out of my way to show them people do care still. I learned at an early age that the elderly are wise and to follow their advice is to your gain. Praise God for my life and His Son Jesus of Nazareth.
Most viruses have a patent which means they are engineered. Purposely made to infect for profit and population control. No blood directly on their hands. This is how Bill Gates knew in 2020 there would be a major lung pandemic, that was 1997 Gates informed the world. Gates and Fauci engineered cov-sars2, what they are calling covid. Gain of function is nothing more than the engineering of viruses to produce financial gain and pop control. COVID has been planned for over 2 decades. To blame one man Trump, for an engineered Pandemic planned since the 90's is ludicrous. He's got some explaining to do. Did he pick up the de pop ball? Or was he duped by Pinky and the Brain just like Congress was duped and 90% of the world was duped. Patents are public information. Clinical Assays are public information. Presidents have been puppets for the Masters for a hundred years.