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Grew up in the Valley forge Area. Love American History/World History. Phlebotomist, Lab Technician, Medical Instructor. I had a blast in the Medical Profession. I met So many peoples in my years from all walks of life. Some not so nice most nice. The not so nice generated a compassion to go out of my way to show them people do care still. I learned at an early age that the elderly are wise and to follow their advice is to your gain. Praise God for my life and His Son Jesus of Nazareth.
Grew up in the Valley forge Area. Love American History/World History. Phlebotomist, Lab Technician, Medical Instructor. I had a blast in the Medical Profession. I met So many peoples in my years from all walks of life. Some not so nice most nice. The not so nice generated a compassion to go out of my way to show them people do care still. I learned at an early age that the elderly are wise and to follow their advice is to your gain. Praise God for my life and His Son Jesus of Nazareth.
I just tried uploading a video 34 min. A notice said it was too large. Yet I see hour long videos here. Why won't my 33 minute video post?
Does anyone know?
@guloguloguy Love it. Good one.
@deputt Amen I do believe you're right agreed. I was taught Mark 16 didn't happen. God showed me it does. I worked in a hospital. I was put in awe by the amount of people needing prayer, Salvation, a lot of healings. Cancer, Tumor, Pneumonia. Demonic possession on the other hand I didn't really run into that but a couple times. I think with that gift is also to spot trouble in demonic circumstances of society. Plus having a church in places where Allister Crowley and Anton Levey have their churches. I've got a feeling you agree, I desire to see all churches come together to the true doctrine of Jesus. It's great to see God still uses us all to save souls and we souls being saved. Amen. I think of how much more powerful the Church would be being One as Jesus and the Father are One. Thank you for your comment too.
Remember Paul's letter to Corinth. Corinthians 12 They received that letter for a few reasons but for one in particular. The tongue of the Angels. Satanists call it the Twilight language. Anyway Paul rebuked the Church for running around speaking in tongues for the lost were leaving being turned off to the Gospel. He stated it was for edification. Then gave how it was to be done in decency and in order. I believe tongues are for at home in prayers and meditation 99% of the time. Paul was praying in the language of the Angels when caught up into the 7th heaven. The day of Pentecost tongues meant of the thousands of people present they heard the Apostles speak in the native languages of the people. James 5 we are commanded to bring the sick to the Elders of the Church, anoint them with oil and lay your hands on them. Decency and in order. I pray that Jesus' prayer is answered in John 17:11
Unfortunately those are some of the reasons why there's sickness in the churches. Denominations are preached as the different parts of the body of Christ. Each Denom. hold to a similar doctrine and adhere to doctrinal differences. John 17:11 Jesus prays for us to be one. The Word and Jesus are the same. He holds one Doctrine Luke 24:44the Law of Moses and the Words of the Prophets. One Doctrine. Denominations are divisions. Henceforth the warnings to the churches in Revelation. Is there coming a day that the church leaves the Apostate condition and adheres to the One Doctrine of Jesus Christ from the beginning to Revelation. Luke 24:25 Then He said to them " Oh follish ones and slow of heart to believe all the prophets had spoken!" The branches to the Body of Christ are dictated by the needs of the community. The Gifts, All the gifts are needed for the war against Satan to win souls.
Feeling Down? Focus in the world? How about the day when we see Satan himself get on his knees and open his mouth before the Lord Jesus Christ and confess with his mouth that Jesus is Lord over All. What a day! Coming soon and it won't be theater.
Check out this video about trump. You might be surprised!

We already know Q is a controlled opposition. So here's some FACTS about Trump they will never tell you Googles Hidden CIA / Q Intel / NSA Connection by ColdFusion
rumble.comSpecial Counsel. Charges pending. Need to see it. This is why Faith in Christ is of the upmost importance. According to Scriptures "sins will find you out". Jesus said on Revelation that He himself will judge the Nations of the world at the Kidron/Jehoshaphat Valley, east side of Jerusalem. Please folks, no one but Jesus of Nazareth is coming to save us. He even says if it weren't for the elects sake there would be no flesh(human) left alive and the days will be shortened. Is Transhumanism exterminating the human race? Hydrogel fromDRPA is this what's making us extinct? Want to be an enlightened being? Accept Jesus Christ. He wasn't kidding, this creation must be destroyed, the deed belongs to the Devil. All of it will be destroyed. Jesus is warning us, get ready our enlightened state begins when Jesus gets here.
@macmcdonald That's funny.
I know. The Constitution for 1776 makes the Constitution of 1871 null and void and every Corporate policy, they call law, written by it since 1871. So the entire system is illegal. The only true police legally to enforce law in the US are the Marshals and the Sheriffs. So we have to illegally follow a set of illegal Corporate laws by and Illegal government that's put in place who Illegally appoints leaders under a farce of an honest vote. 2nd amendment rights will not be infringed. If the FED show up, put a trespassing warrant against them. Y'all get to your sheriffs office and let him know. You wanna stay elected, uphold the Constitution For the US, 1776. Citizens Arrest. Anyone who violates the Constitution. Gee that's like the entire government almost.
If you have a loved one who is asleep or has been brainwashed from the fake news narrative listen up.
My husband is one of those asleep people. He has been recently waking up and here is how. I pray for God to open his eyes and change the way he looks at life, I step out of the way and let God work, and I make brief comments to plant seeds.
Recently we have been watching “Terminal List”, a show about a whole Navy Seal platoon who were given an experimental drug that gave them all brain tumors. The story is eerily close to what is going on today. We talk about it and how it could relate to today, then I drop it and plant the seed. God takes it from there and then later on something else comes up and we talk about it and then I drop it. So don’t give up on your loved ones. Be gentle, patient, and pray.
@guloguloguy YAY!!!!! Love to sea that.
@guloguloguy Amen.
@guloguloguy This is one of the most powerful visuals I have ever seen for the argument against abortion. A picture speaks a thousand words indeed. This is a keeper!
I'm seeing a whole lot of hate being thrown around. We must keep in mind that Satan is the enemy of the human race. Red, yellow, black or white. Jew/Greek, Anyone, even if the satanic occultist member calls on Jesus and repents of his sin, God will forgive him and save him. There is no hate in Jesus Christ nor God the Father but His children are putting themselves in danger. Born in Christ? Harbor forgiveness! Remember the Grace God gave us? Remember the sins we we're guilty of at one time? Pray for those who persecute you. Love your enemies and feed them when they're hungry. Do not harbor hate. Red Yellow Black or White Satan doesn't care, He wants your soul bottom line. Harbor Forgiveness. To Gods' Glory.
Most viruses have a patent which means they are engineered. Purposely made to infect for profit and population control. No blood directly on their hands. This is how Bill Gates knew in 2020 there would be a major lung pandemic, that was 1997 Gates informed the world. Gates and Fauci engineered cov-sars2, what they are calling covid. Gain of function is nothing more than the engineering of viruses to produce financial gain and pop control. COVID has been planned for over 2 decades. To blame one man Trump, for an engineered Pandemic planned since the 90's is ludicrous. He's got some explaining to do. Did he pick up the de pop ball? Or was he duped by Pinky and the Brain just like Congress was duped and 90% of the world was duped. Patents are public information. Clinical Assays are public information. Presidents have been puppets for the Masters for a hundred years.
@guloguloguy I saw this in the Med field as well. It keeps the money coming in. 2012 people were trained to call patients customers. It trained the new personnel a new mindset. Human life as monetary value. Organ Donors would come to ER. CPR typically 15-20 min to work on human life. Organ donor received 3-5 minutes of CPR. That's a half million on that table. Good people still exist in that field but far and few between. By the end of my career I had a hard time sleeping at night. When I trained people for the medical field; they were trained to have compassion. If they didn't they would not graduate my class. Not on my watch.