Grew up in the Valley forge Area. Love American History/World History. Phlebotomist, Lab Technician, Medical Instructor. I had a blast in the Medical Profession. I met So many peoples in my years from all walks of life. Some not so nice most nice. The not so nice generated a compassion to go out of my way to show them people do care still. I learned at an early age that the elderly are wise and to follow their advice is to your gain. Praise God for my life and His Son Jesus of Nazareth.
Special Counsel. Charges pending. Need to see it. This is why Faith in Christ is of the upmost importance. According to Scriptures "sins will find you out". Jesus said on Revelation that He himself will judge the Nations of the world at the Kidron/Jehoshaphat Valley, east side of Jerusalem. Please folks, no one but Jesus of Nazareth is coming to save us. He even says if it weren't for the elects sake there would be no flesh(human) left alive and the days will be shortened. Is Transhumanism exterminating the human race? Hydrogel fromDRPA is this what's making us extinct? Want to be an enlightened being? Accept Jesus Christ. He wasn't kidding, this creation must be destroyed, the deed belongs to the Devil. All of it will be destroyed. Jesus is warning us, get ready our enlightened state begins when Jesus gets here.