Grew up in the Valley forge Area. Love American History/World History. Phlebotomist, Lab Technician, Medical Instructor. I had a blast in the Medical Profession. I met So many peoples in my years from all walks of life. Some not so nice most nice. The not so nice generated a compassion to go out of my way to show them people do care still. I learned at an early age that the elderly are wise and to follow their advice is to your gain. Praise God for my life and His Son Jesus of Nazareth.
Unfortunately those are some of the reasons why there's sickness in the churches. Denominations are preached as the different parts of the body of Christ. Each Denom. hold to a similar doctrine and adhere to doctrinal differences. John 17:11 Jesus prays for us to be one. The Word and Jesus are the same. He holds one Doctrine Luke 24:44the Law of Moses and the Words of the Prophets. One Doctrine. Denominations are divisions. Henceforth the warnings to the churches in Revelation. Is there coming a day that the church leaves the Apostate condition and adheres to the One Doctrine of Jesus Christ from the beginning to Revelation. Luke 24:25 Then He said to them " Oh follish ones and slow of heart to believe all the prophets had spoken!" The branches to the Body of Christ are dictated by the needs of the community. The Gifts, All the gifts are needed for the war against Satan to win souls.